Pink Warriors


• To translate this spirit into action we are launching a project called “Pink Warrior” in colleges across India. Pink Warriors will be a team of 100 students per college.

• They will undergo a certified training on Breast Self-Examination.
• They will be equipped to provide BSE card (Breast Self-Examination) and act as an agent to expedite the arrival of timely professional help.

• They will help in organizing events in rural areas to create awareness on breast cancer.

• They will help in mobilizing funds to support treatment of patients. Colleges can organize concerts, food festival, showcase movie and charge for the ticket, sell pink badges during the cultural etc to raise fund.

• They will conduct one mega event in the month of October to emphasize the importance of early detection and prevention of breast cancer. This can be cycle rally, bike rally, street plays, seminars, radio shows, run etc.